BRATS Hall of Fame
Congratulations to Robert Lee Griffin, III (nickname "RG3"), an Army brat and the starting quarterback at Baylor
who just won the Heisman Trophy!
Griffin was born in Japan, where his parents, Robert Jr. and Jacqueline, were
both U.S. Army Sergeants. His family later lived in Washington State, New Orleans, and finally Copperas Cove,
Texas (aka Fort Hood). True to the "brat" tradition, Griffin is not just an excellent athlete, he's an excellent scholar, too.
He started college at 17 and graduated early with a 3.67 GPA in political science (no basket-weaving for this brat).
He's currently studying for a Masters in Communication and plans to go to law school once his football career is over.
Go, RG3! We're rooting for you!
Colorado Ski Trip!
If you love skiing, you might be interested in
Beaver Run Resort's Alumni Ski Week, January 21-28, 2012, in Breckenridge, Colorado.
The rates are great and it's a lot of fun! (I went last year with a group of brats.) It's not an "official" brat trip sponsored by
BWB or any other brat group - but a number of brats from around the country are going, so it should be fun!
As some of you are aware, "BRATS: Our Journey Home" was supposed
to be broadcast on the Military Channel this year as part of the
G.I. Film Festival Series (led by the wonderful brat Major Laura Law
and her husband Brandon Millett),
but the series has been postponed. Hopefully, it will still happen.
In the meantime, we're looking into alternative broadcast options.
If you know of anyone we should contact, let
us know. We'll keep you updated!
of the Day
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What?! You too? I thought I was
the only one!"
- C.S. Lewis, Author
You Have the Quintessential "BRAT" Photo or Video?
Brats Without Borders is collecting photographs, video footage, and memorabilia of quintessential "brat" and "TCK" experiences -
good, bad, or just plain funny - for a future traveling museum exhibit and other projects. If you have anything you'd like to contribute,
email us a description and/or photograph, but hold on to your originals for now. We'll contact you as the projects move
Do We Need a Military Brat Safety Net Conference?
In September's
Among Worlds magazine, there was an advertisement for a Missionary Kid Safety Net Conference, called
"The Unexpected Journey." The conference is geared towards breaking the silence about trauma, abuse, and recovery
among missionary families. Do you think Brats Without Borders needs to put together a Military Brat Safety Net Conference?
If so, would you be willing to volunteer your time or services?
Let us know!
on Facebook:
Your Virtual Hometown
Brats Without Borders is fast becoming the Virtual Hometown for many brats and TCKs.
Military brat Melody Whitesitt Padgett, of Manhattan, Kansas, confirmed this recently when
she posted: "I just shared some of our posts with my father who is in his late 70s. This site
has opened discussions with him that I might never have had - little bits of our shared world history
from the soldier and family view of it. His response about this site was 'It's your hometown.'"
There have been some real heartfelt and thought-provoking conversations on BWB's Facebook sites on just
about every topic imagineable, from the positive to the painful. We try to keep it "brat-related"
(i.e., no politics or religion). Stop by when you can and add your 2 cents! Here are all of our
Facebook sites:
More BRAT & TCK Organizations!
Overseas Brats
Military Brats Registry
Military Brats Online
Military Brat Library and Training Workshops
If you're interested in donating a BWB
Military Brat Library to a local school or institution... or underwriting a
BWB Training or Teen Transition Workshop,
let us know. Money is tight at educational
institutions right now, but brats and their caregivers need
this information to help avoid the pitfalls of "growing up brat." A base in Japan wanted us to conduct workshops at their
high school last fall, but neither of us could find the funding. If you can help, please do.
BRATS Tell Their Stories!
Here are a few new books you might want to add to
your "BRATS" Collection. There's something for everyone - young,
old, military brats stationed in Germany and the Pacific, foreign
service and other Third Culture Kids. Go to our Brats
Helping Brats page to see more brat books. Also
visit military mom Phyllis Zimbler Miller's wonderful web page, If we don't
support ourselves, who will?
Along the Watchtower by Constance Squires
"I loved this book. It
made me laugh. It made me cry. I wanted to throw my arms around
that hard-headed little military brat searching for roots in her
rootless world. In the end, she realizes what every survivor eventually
does–no one is going to save you, you have to do it yourself."
-- Donna Musil, BRATS Director
Watchtower Author
and Army Brat, Constance Squires, explains how this wonderful book
came to fruition: "When I was a kid living on an Army base
in Germany in the early 80's, I fell in love with the depth and
variety of history available in Europe. And I noticed something:
we know what we know about the people who lived before us in two
ways: by what they built and what they wrote. I'm not builder, like
my brother, but I am a writer, and when I think of people a couple
of hundred years from now trying to understand who Americans were
during the last half of the 20th century, I want them to know the
story of Americans who lived in Germany during the Cold War, who
lived "Along the Watchtower" when the Iron Curtain was
no mere metaphor and the threat of communism was real.
When I saw Donna Musil's excellent
documentary, "Brats:
Our Journey Home," I had written and published
a few short stories that drew on my background as an Army brat growing
up in Grafenwoehr, West Germany, and the idea was already taking
form in my mind that I might have a novel in me about the brat experience.
Seeing "Brats" gave me the strength of my conviction because
it showed me that I wasn't the only person who thought the lives
of service families were unique and who noticed how underrepresented
our story is in the national narrative. I think an American
history that doesn't tell the story of American service members
and their families is incomplete.
So I delved more deeply into that material, creating the Collins
family, an American Army family who live in Grafenwoehr and later
in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Along the Watchtower takes the
Collins family through the end of the Cold War, ending when Major
Collins returns to Fort Sill after serving in the first Gulf War,
when one era is over and another is just beginning. I hope the novel
adds to the conversation started by Donna Musil's "Brats: Our
Journey Home," Pat Conroy's The Great Santini,
Mary Edwards Wertsch's Military Brats:
Legacies of Childhood Inside the Fortress,
and other books and films. I hope it's a fun read, and I hope other
Brats find something in the book to relate to, something to make
them feel a part of something that will be remembered and that mattered."
Soldiering On - Finding My Homes by Christine Kriha Kastner
"Christine Kastner's charmed
memoir of her Army brat childhood will resonate with so many. For
those of us who grew up in that life, this is how we go home again:
sharing our stories, finding the roots that shaped us."
-- Mary Edwards Wertsch
A military brat returns to
Okinawa 40 years after attending Kubasaki High School and has the
adventure of a lifetime - just not quite the karaoke, sake, and
pachinko experience she expected!
Writing Out of Limbo: The International Childhood Experience
of Global Nomads and Third Culture Kids edited by Gene H. Bell-Villada
and Nina Sichel with Faith Eidse and Elaine Neil Orr
"This terrific and substantial
volume is a vital step in clarifying the experiences, gifts, and
struggles of those who grew up around the world... I can't wait
to teach with it."
-- Wendy Laura Belcher, Ph.D.,
Professor of Literature,
Princeton University
A groundbreaking collection of memoirs, interviews, theory, and
poetry exploring TCK experiences in military, diplomatic corps,
international business, education, and missionary families... and
their ever-present search for belonging. Included in
this collection is Writer-Director Donna Musil's first written account
of her struggle to produce and distribute the BRATS film.
Flyby by William Wiseman
A novel about an Air Force
brat who is mysteriously catapulted back in time to 1943 as the
reincarnation of a bomber squadron commander to lead the most disastrous
raid flown in the history of the 8th Air Force. The author is an
Air Force brat who grew up in Ethiopia, Germany, and the United
And Don't Forget the BRATS Films!
Stock up on extra copies of the award-winning documentary about
growing up military for your family and friends! Other TCKs (corporate,
foreign service, NGO, and missionary) also relate. Enter the code
"PROUDBRAT" on the order page to get a 10%
discount on your entire order! But act quick
- the offer is only good until 12/31/2011. All purchases support
Brats Without Borders and its nonprofit programs.
Back on the Air!
We have some sad news to report.
BRATCON Radio announced on November 10, 2011,
that it has stopped broadcasting for lack of funds.
BRATCON Radio is the first
national Internet radio show exploring the experiences of brats
and TCKs. It's a wonderful show that has featured thought-provoking
topics and exciting guests like senator John McCain, Sprint CEO
Dan Hesse, Author Sarah Bird, and "Army Wives" Actor Terry Serpico
- all proud brats! In September, BRATCON Radio crested 19,000 listeners!
Along with
Ashley Furniture Homestores, BRATCON Co-creators
and Hosts Dennis
Campbell and Pat
Glock Caves spent their own time and money to get
this show up and running. Asssociate Producer and Co-Host Jeri
Glass dedicated many tireless hours searching
for and vetting quality topics and guests. Other brats, including
web guru Cate
Speer, made this one-of-a-kind show possible.
If you or your company would like to sponsor future BRATCON broadcasts,
please contact Dennis at
Once again, we
need to support brat programs like BRATCON Radio as
a community, if we want to honor our heritage and help millions
of brats and TCKs around the globe know they do have a
"home" - each other. To listen to all 52 episodes from 2011, visit
BRATCON Radio's web archives! |